Endoscopy Tommorrow- YUCK!!!!!!!
Well I can't wait to wake up tommorrow morning!! Boy- do I have a bad attitude right now and if you don't want to hear about it then I suggest you stop reading here!
My barium x-ray DID show something- they said my stomach is narrowing and my duodenum is of asmorphic apperance- I guess meaning it's not the right size and shape. So I said what does this mean??? So I have to go for endoscopy which I am totally dreading, I hear it's not too bad because I have to be put out but it only takes about 10-15 minutes for him to look around in there. BUT I have to be there 1 hour early and then recover so they said it will take a few hours and my driver MUST stay on the premises at ALL times!!!
What a pain!!! Now tell me with cell phones why in the world does the driver have to stay?? If something goes wrong my driver is more qualified than the Dr. on site or what?? I am so annoyed this is the most retarded thing ever!!! So part of the time my mom is going to have to chase Maddi around the office once Matt drops her off at the office on his way to work. I am SO IRRITATED_ that is SO STUPID!!!
So they think this may be the cause of my stomach pain for over a year now!! What also irritates me is they have waited this long!! What if they find something that has gone beyond treatment because we waited too long??? My questions go on and on and I am so mad! They told me- well a couple of Dr.'s have told me they think we are looking at Crohn's Disease. I do not want to have anything wrong especially Crohn's- that is so horrible! So I pray for an answer tommorrow and a treatable one.
My family and I have been robbed of my health for 12 years now and I have had about enough!! Some days I just want to quit!!
OH--- And I have to fast and my appt. is at 1200 noon!!! So I can eat about 3-400 when it's over, but I will probably not feel like eating then!! It is going to kill me not to eat!!!
Oh- the picture is the lovely tube they will shove down my throat once they knock me out!! My mother in law woke up half way thru this gagging with the tubing down her throat!!
You are in my prayers.
Thanks cuz I don't feel like I can even pray for myself anymore!
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