Have I mentioned I really dislike Dr's?? I think I have, but I have a correction....
Long story, I'll try to make short. I have had a GROWING list of symptoms for at least 12 years!!! I have changed family Dr.s at least 15 times- normally because they got lazy or frustrated and told me I don't know what to do, Im out of options. I have probably seen 6-10 diferent types of specialist over the years. Always leaving frustrated. I have taken thousands of dollars of supplements and tried crazy diets and all holistic, organic, you name it and I guarentee I have tried it.
I missed one Dr. which I LOVE!!!!! And that is my midwife who delivered Maddison. She just had a terrible ordeal with an illness with her husband so she knows how the crappy medical system works.
So at my wits end i make an appt. with her knowing my symptoms are most likely not really in her dept but thought she would have some direction. Some days my symptoms are very debilitaing but I hide it quite well. I have had Dr tell me Im crazy, my hair was to long, you have fibromyalgia (they tell you that cuz they dont know what else to tell you)!!
So when I saw Cindy9midwife) she shook her head with disgust, and couldnt believe I wasnt getting any help and I didnt know what help to get cuz I dont know what is wrong. There are way to many symptoms to list but a few are I have had abdominal since last FALL!!! Severe painful acne that a dermatologist cant even clear up!!! Every mental thought and syptom I can think of from, memory problems to concentration, daily thinking, and I just plain feel EVIL!!! etc.
So Cindy says you have a chronic disease and know one is diagnosing you!!! They are giving you bandaids and pretty soon they will fall off!!! So she ordered all the test she could get away with without the insurance company saying why is this doc ordering this when her family doc should. She thinks it possible I could have systemic yeast, where your whole body is is on toxic overload and you are kind of allergic to yourself!!! She said she is only guessing but at least its a start until I see the GI dr end of Aug. She she gave me a heavy monthly dose of fluconzale and anti yeast med. And after only 2 days my face is clearing like never before!! I have high hopes this is gonna work!!!
Pretty ironic and maddening tho, some of you who know me, know that I tried to tell a dr. 3 years ago that I think this is the problem and he blew it off!!! How awesome it will be if these small pills eliminate my growing list of syptoms but also how angry I am if that is what it is and 12 years of dr and no one could figure it out and I figured it out 3 years ago!!!!!!!
I am so thankful to know Cindy will help me find the right Dr and an answer, because you shoulndt live with chronic unexplained pain for 12 years!!!!! And ab pain since the fall without anyone running any test!! She also said my ANA titter was abnormal and someone should have investigated that. It means I have inflammation in my body somewhere. So I had to send in stool- fun, have blood work, and 2 more ultrasounds. Once I go to the Gi doc he is probably gonna want to probe me- not looking forward to that!!!!!
I will pray that this is the answer. You deserve to feel well.
Yes I do I feel like the life is being zapped out of me and my family is being robbed of their mother/wife.
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