Have you Country listeners heard this song???
Alyssa Lies- Jason Micheal Carroll
Sad but I LOVE IT!!!
Yeah, someone found my blog! I am a 32 yr. mother of three beautiful children and proud wife of my wonderful husband~ Matthew. I am blessed beyond my comprehension! I hope you too will be~ His gift is free if you receive. You have nothing to lose and all to gain! Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace that you are saved, through your faith -not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not by works, so that no one can boast.
Alyssa Lies- Jason Micheal Carroll
Kenzie goes to Robotics Competions Sat. This years theme is Nano Technology and I hear they are doing a great job. I dont know much about it but I guess I will learn Sat as we are there from 7:15am-4:00pm!!!!!!
Pray specific!
I guess the older and wiser I become I feel the need for less stuff.
Not a whole lotta news yet. We signed up for a buyout Wed. and Floback- meaning IF there are openings we try to flo back into the Ford system where there are openings at plants. that would not be ideal, it would be a pay cut cuz he would have to go back to production when he is in trades, and every plant will be at least 1 hour away.
Hi LaLa! We miss you and hope you are feeling better soon! So sorry you had to go thru that- surgery sucks! You are in our prayers!
Anyone have an update on Ginny Burtschers health??? We are praying like crazy for her and her family !
We are running out of time and do not have all our questions answered. We are trustung God and I know it's his timing but we will have to make a decision. How do you know when it's God's voice your hearing and not your own voice telling you to hear this because it's what you want to hear???? does that make sense? I know what I mean I don't know if I know how to tell you what I mean! And we are praying and praying and asking God to show us his will for us not what we want, but so far alls we end up with is more options and variables leaving us more confused!! I wish somebody would just tell us what to do so we don't have to make the decision. We find ourselves doubting all the decisions we have made up to this point but I know we can't do that. I hope we will clearing here his voice and not our own-I know we are going thru this for a reason but it truly sucks! And Im already a very indecisive person who is not good with making decisons when given lots of options!
We found out very disturbing news on Friday, that Matt will NOT be able to return to Wayne Assemby even tho they assured him and reassured him, yes, you have your call back rights. They then tell us well we are sorry if we missinformed you but you signed off on your call back rights and you can't come back.
We are attempting to get our family picture taken Sat.
Every other week we are back here again.
How can a 2 yr old make such a mess in so little time??? HELP!!! I'm- WE are about to go out of our minds. This sweet little baby girl is unstoppable!! She is like the Tazmanian Devil, or a tornado. She is from one thing to the next leaving a trail behind her. She will not sit or stay anywhere for an extended period of time. The only thing she hasn't done yet is crawl or fall out of her crib- THANK GOD!!!! The other two crawled out at 15MONTHS!!!!!!! She is kicking her leg up as to try but we tell her NO! No! and she stops.